It’s fair to say that I’ve never enjoyed “training” and in
fact, I do very, very little of it - I often struggle to go running during the working
week and when I do go out, my goal is usually just measured in miles. Tempo runs, hill repeats, fartlek...they're all on that list of things I should be doing but don't, like stretching and strength work. To be honest my running life is really just about constantly feeling guilty about not
going for a run and lurching miraculously from race to race.
Having just gone through my spreadsheet
where I record the runs I do manage, I realise I do even less than I had thought. From January this year, I see that between
Monday and Friday, although some weeks I ran three or four times, on most weeks
I ran much less or not at all. On average I clocked up just one run, completing
an average distance of 5 miles. When you think that my weekly average since
January is 38 mpw, with some weeks at zero miles and my three biggest
weeks at over 100 miles, you can see how inconsistent my training is! As a
comparison, last year my Monday to Friday average was 1.4 runs, with an average
distance of 10 miles over the 5 days, and a weekly average of 32 mpw, with only
one week at over 100 miles.
Anyway, enough of the stats. This last couple of weeks things
have got even worse. Not only have I struggled during the week, I also totally
lost interest in running on Saturday and Sunday. Since the emotional high of my
fantastic weekend at the Saffron Trail ultra, I ran once in two weeks, and I
even missed a marathon I had scheduled.
I just could not be bothered. I ate copious amounts of junk food too - not sure I've ever eaten so much chocolate in a week, and I felt lethargic and miserable. As much as I told myself, and
my husband, and twitter, that I really had to go for a run, I just couldn’t. I
couldn’t drag myself out of bed in the morning, and when I got home from work I
was welded to the sofa. “But I must go for a run, I must go for a run”, I kept telling
myself and I thought about how I was failing. Yes, FAILURE. It’s probably the thing
that scares me the most. All in all, I was going through a period of what I think we generally refer to as a
total loss of mojo.
I’d finish off every day adjusting my spreadsheet to record
another missed run, feeling guilty and perplexed. Was I going to ever
run again? Did I care if I wasn’t? I’ve just booked to have a big tattoo done, to symbolise my running...should I cancel it? I have a 100km booked on 15th August that I've been looking forward to all year. Would I even turn up, and if I did, would I crash and burn half way through as a result of my total lack of mileage? I wasn't sure what was going on in my head but I found it very confusing.
I got lots of support and some helpful advice from twitter
though. The best advice was to just let it go - stop worrying, stop feeling guilty, stop looking at the training plan. If it's
meant to be, one day I’d just want to go for a run. There was also the advice
to just go for a walk – find a great trail and get outside.

We crossed crop and sheep fields, meadows and walked
through shady woodland – all in the space of just a few miles - and it really
reminded me how very lovely it is to be outside. Chewie was bounding around and
clearly enjoying himself…after a while I decided to join him as he ran.

On Monday night after work, after dinner, we were sat on the sofa again,
watching TV again.
I decided to go and get changed. Instead
of putting on the usual lounging around clothes, I opened one of my many drawers stuffed with running kit. Then I found some running socks. I pulled on my trainers. Without having
thought about it at all, just concentrating on the easy steps of putting on my
gear, I found myself standing by an open front door at 10.30pm. I still didn’t
particularly want to go for a dull pavement run, but it just felt like the right
thing to do. I was all ready so might as well go out and see what happened - with
a nudge in the back from Francis, I was gone.
I did 6.5 miles, and I went quickly. Faster (for the first
few miles at least) than I’ve run in a long time. As I hadn't planned to go out, I hadn't charged up my watch, so don't know how what my pace was, but I was so pleased with myself
for having done it, and felt so happy that my legs hadn’t turned to mush after
a fortnight off. It was exhilarating being out in the dark.
Yesterday, as soon as I got home from work, I went out again.
This time, I decided to take advantage of the day light, and I took another new
trail I’d discovered on the viewranger app, which started just a mile from the
house. It linked up with the path I’d found on Sunday and I was out again in
the fields asking myself why on earth I’ve put up with 10pm pavement runs for
so long when the beautiful countryside is right on my doorstep! It was a
beautiful evening and I loved it…totally motivating.
So there we go. It seems I’m back! We're only on Wednesday and I've already done more than twice my Monday to Friday average mileage, and am planning to go out again this evening. Looking forward to it even. So what was the trick? How did I rediscover my mojo? I don't really know to be honest.
The advice that resonated most was that it was ok if I didn't want to run. That I could allow myself not to, that I could choose. I think I'm starting to realise there's been quite a lot of pressure over the last few months - there was so much scrutiny over my runs at TP100 and GUCR that I somehow feel I have to keep upping my game in some way. But I don't.
I have nothing to prove. I must stop feeling permanently guilty and just remember why I love to run.
"I run to see how far I can go...
I run because if I didn’t, I’d be sluggish and glum and spend too much time on the couch.
I run to breathe the fresh air. I run to explore. I run to escape the ordinary...
I run for the finish line and to savor the trip along the way."
- Dean Karnazes -