What a week it's been to be part of the running community, and part of the Brathay Trust family.
Last Sunday, I finished my 98th marathon, while hundreds of people across the country finished other races, and over 40,000 people finished the London Marathon, in the hottest conditions ever experienced in the race. But Matt Campbell didn't finish his London Marathon. As everyone will know, following the significant media coverage and the fantastic #finishformatt running campaign, Matt collapsed at 22.5 miles and tragically then passed away in hospital. Just 29 years old, and a very talented chef, Matt was running London to fundraise for Brathay Trust, in memory of his father, Martin Campbell who died suddenly in 2016.
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https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mattcampbell-londonmarathon |
I didn't know Matt, and so in no way can I claim a personal grief at his death, but I have found I've been truly affected. I did though know Matt's dad Martin through my participation in the Brathay Trust's 10 marathons in 10 days event, back in 2013. His death was an appalling shock and a terrible loss for everyone who knew him.
Martin had worked with Brathay Trust for many years, and it's a very special charity, that changes the lives of the children and young people it supports. It is run by a group of exceptional, dedicated people. Although I only spent a short time at Brathay, being there changed me, and I absolutely consider myself part of the "Brathay family" and will always have a connection to the charity and everyone involved. I missed last year's Brathay Windermere marathon (as the twins were still so young) when the Campbell family, including Matt, and many of my Brathay friends, ran as part of #teamcameradude, in memory of Martin. However, I was already booked in for a return visit this year, and was hugely looking forward to seeing everyone. I'm going up with Francis and the girls, and it was always going to be a special occasion - my first race that the girls will have come along to. Now though, of course, the event is going to take on a whole new level of significance, and many of my Brathay friends who knew Matt will still be grieving for him.
Martin was a dedicated, inspirational person. His funeral, attended by hundreds of people, gave me an opportunity to see that his family were also wonderful, positive people and it was a testament to the man that he had been - community spirited, generous and adventurous. Martin's family appeared to deal with his death with a positive spirit that I could only admire, especially when I think about how negatively I have dealt with losing my dad. I was inspired by all three of Martin's sons - coping so much better than I had done and living life to the absolute fullest in his memory. But now for the Campbell's to have lost Matt is beyond belief. For a family to have to suffer the absolute injustice of losing them both, so full of love, life, talent and spirit is truly horrific.
The national reaction to Matt's death has been remarkable. His fundraising page as of just now is at almost £310,000 and it seems thousands of people have been moved by his story. A genuine, lovely young man from the Lakes, made recently famous through his appearance on Masterchef, but also a naturally talented sub 3hr marathon runner - his reach has crossed many different communities. It's been amazing to see tributes paid to him on social media, paticularly through the #finishformatt movement, which has seen thousands of runners inspired to complete the 3.7 miles that Matt wasn't able to run to the end of his London marathon, and donating to Brathay. I find it heartwarming and really hope that the family can find some sort of comfort in it.
I ran my #finishformatt miles too, earlier this week, posting on twitter, and wearing my 10in10 Brathay tshirt as I went, and I donated on his justgiving page. As part of the running community, as part of the Brathay community, it was something that felt important to do - to stand alongside everyone else to say I care, and to show support to those who did know Matt. To say that I'm so sorry for your horrendous loss.
Unexpectedly though, it was during a 10km last night that I really felt I ran for Matt and Martin. I pushed myself and ran faster than I've run for ages, and thought of them both, and the rest of their family and friends as they deal with these early days of loss. I thought of how Martin always believed anyone could achieve anything, how supportive he'd been of me. How important it was to follow your heart and to say yes to experiences. I thought of how Matt must have worked so hard to achieve a sub 3hour marathon at the Manchester marathon a couple of weeks before, so very early in his running career; how he'd been running in his dad's memory and how that must have motivated him while he was training. I happened to stop my watch at a road crossing and totally coincidentally I'd stopped at 3.72 miles.
That was really my #finishformatt run.
No social media post (well, other than this one), no particular statement, just me running and remembering a wonderful man and his son, who left this world far too early, and who have both, it seems, taught me a great deal about grief, positivity, and being the best I can be.