Yesterday, we went to the newly built Cyclopark in Kent, for a Skyride event.
The Cyclopark is a venue that houses various cycle tracks - BMX, mountain biking, road cycling and has a big kids play area, cafe etc. As this was a Skyride event, it was free to get in, and there was a wide variety of people who came along - lots of famillies with young children, teenagers on their BMXs, couples like me and Francis on mountain bikes (although in hindsight I should have taken my road bike) and club cyclists in their co-ordinated lycra outfits.
For a cyclist, there are very good facilities at the Cyclopark: the road track is pretty fast with a couple of inclines to make sure you're putting in some effort, the BMX area is a proper track, with a racing starting gate, and according to Francis the moutain biking section has areas with lots of rocks inthe way so it's good for all abilities, but it is still a very new venue - the big trees that in the artist's impression of the track (above) are still meter high saplings, and everything is a bit dusty and bare, with no shade anywhere, and the only view is over the motorway! I've stolen a video that Maidstoneonbike (sorry, thank-you!) posted on YouTube so you can see what it's like....
So, it was fine for cycling, and we enjoyed ourselves to the extent that we have signed up as members and will go back to cycle at the park again. The problem I have is that I am due to run a marathon there on Monday 4th June...17 laps of the road cycling track for the Kent Roadrunner Marathon.
This would be my 4th marathon in the last 8 weeks so it's certainly not a goal race, and I always knew that running so many laps would be hard, but having seen just how uninspiring the venue is, I am really thinking about whether this is something I want to do at all. I only booked this marathon as part of the training for the ultra, and although I suppose that psychologically it would be great training to complete such a mind-numbing course, I'm wondering if I'm losing sight of what running marathons is know, enjoying the experience...and thinking that maybe it's not worth going to a race that I'm pretty sure I'm not going to enjoy.
Comparison of the London Marathon 2012 medal & the Roadrunner medal |