WMNR100 is a project set up to improve the number of female participants in ultra running (the current gender split percentage is about 80/20) and to "inspire, support and encourage women to face a goal they may have never considered". They're putting together a team of women to take part in Race to the Stones 100km in the summer, and will support their runners as they achieve their goals.
This is an excellent mission, and is something I want to support, so when I saw they were arranging a social meet and greet 10km run in London, I decided to go along.
It was brilliant!
We met at Embankment station at 7pm after work, and took a route along the Thames. I really enjoyed chatting to the lovely, inspiring women that were there - some at the very beginning of their ultra journey, for whom Race to the Stones will be their first distance beyond a marathon, through to some who run fast and strong at really intimidating hardcore mountain ultras! It was a great mix. As an added extra, the route was pretty awesome too, taking us on a sight-seeing tourist route through town, and although I struggled with the busy pavements and the stop/go of the traffic lights, London in the early evening can be particularly beautiful.
I feel so inspired and re-energised about my running. Amazing to think that just 10km can do that... I definitely plan to join the team on another of their runs, it's just the sort of the motivation I need.

I really wanted to come along to this - how awesome alas my injured hip will not permit any running at all at the moment - which is driving me insane! Glad to hear you are feeling better x
ReplyDeleteThanks :) Sorry to hear you're still injured but hopefully it'll heal soon and we'll see you at another of the runs.