After yesterday morning's gym session, there was a tiny part of me that wondered whether I would actually make it out for my run last night, but very pleased to be able to say that I did and my Juneathon exercise has restarted and my training is back on track.

Having watched the first 10 minutes of the England v Ukraine game, I headed out of the door, and ran a hilly 8 miles at what felt like a decent pace. I didn't take my Garmin, but had one of those runs where I felt strong, my legs were moving well, the sun was shining (although by the time I got back it was setting & the skies were red) and pretty much every song that came on my ipod was one I love. I was home in time to watch the last 10 minutes of the football so I was able to enjoy the England win too - yesterday was a very good day :)
Unfortunately, I did have a bit of pain in my right ankle during the run and it's still hurting this go with the DOMS that I've developed from the gym session. My arms, back and abs are all really aching, but the DOMS is a good thing - it means the gym workout was effective! The ankle pain is less positive though - I can't identify what the cause is, but I've got a support on it this morning, which has definitely helped.
Unfortunately, I did have a bit of pain in my right ankle during the run and it's still hurting this go with the DOMS that I've developed from the gym session. My arms, back and abs are all really aching, but the DOMS is a good thing - it means the gym workout was effective! The ankle pain is less positive though - I can't identify what the cause is, but I've got a support on it this morning, which has definitely helped.
I meant to get up early and get today's run done before work, but when my alarm rang, I must have turned if off and fallen straight back into a deep sleep, as I didn't wake up until 2 hours later!! It wasn't a consious decision - yesterday's exercise obviously tired me out - but it has caused me a bit of a problem. We're off to watch the cricket (Essex v Kent Twenty20) tonight, and probably wont get home until about 10.30pm, so today's run is just going to have to be a very late one. I need to get it done, as this week is a really big week in my training - last week was an easy rest week, but this week is high mileage - I'm aiming to hit 57 miles, and I'm not going to do that unless I run tonight!
Have a great time at the cricket, can't you call that Juneathon ;-) BTW I am sure Kent will beat rubbish Essex hands down :-D