Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Back to normal

And so the days roll on, and I slowly get back to normal life after injury.

This weekend just gone, Francis and I went on a thoroughly enjoyable 40 mile bike ride, and on the Saturday I made it to an Engima event – I only ran 7 miles instead of the 56 miles I was entered for….but I’m now pretty much ok with the return from injury because I know that I’m making progress (even if it is very, very gradually) and life feels more normal and I feel more in control. Although I’ve just pulled out of another event (the Challenge Hub 50 mile run down in Kent in a couple of weeks) I’m not as upset about it as I’d expected to be. According to the current training schedule I’m working from, although I’m going to be totally undertrained, I think I might just be ok to give the 100km run a go in September. But if that starts to slip, then I might well start feeling much less cheery about progress ;)

Anyway, today I have another physio appointment.  I am very hopeful that this will be my last for the time being, but we shall see what Tessa says. Experience over the last eight weeks since the 10in10 shows me that I’m very good at ignoring the pain and building up my expectations for recovery, and that once Tessa starts working on my ankle, she very quickly reminds me that it’s not yet healed! We shall see how it goes….

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