Here it is - 18 weeks of early mornings and constant washing of running gear!
This schedule isn't too gruelling compared to some of the plans I've seen, and my maximum mileage in a week only gets up to 41 miles, three weeks before the big day. I have three very long runs (a 20, 21 and 23 miler) and will try to swim once a week and go to the gym once a week for the duration of the schedule to get in a bit of cross training too.
I'm determined to stick to this, although I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss a day here or there, or substitute a gym day for a rest day when I'm feeling tired. Although I desperately want to achieve my goal time in the London marathon, I want to enjoy the whole process too!
Feel free to have a look at my schedule through this link: My 18 week marathon training schedule
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