Sunday will see me running in my last race of 2010, the
Bedford Harriers Half Marathon around Wooton in Bedfordshire. It's a relatively big race field compared to some of the runs I've done, at 2000 people (I like running with lots of people) and as I've been so restricted with the ice and snow, I'm really looking forward to getting out and having a really good run...on safe roads!
With the race coming up it has made me a bit nostalgic about the year that's gone by. Although I've been running for a few years now, this year has been defining for me, and so important in terms of my commitment and passion for the sport.

I ran my second London Marathon in April, and had a truely terrible time. I hadn't trained enough, and really suffered on my way round, picking up injury at 21 miles and finally finishing in (what I considered) a very embarrassing 5hrs 41mins. But that run made me realise that I really wanted to improve - bizarrely, even though as I crossed the finish line I swore never again, within an hour, I was more motivated than ever to see what I could really achieve if I put my mind, heart and soul into truly become a runner. So, that's what I've been doing - I've been regularly up at 5.30am to run, cross training, reading about running, buying the kit, and now writing about running, all to help achieve my target of a 4hr 15m marathon in the Spring. To improve my marathon time by nearly an hour and a half is, I know, ridiculously ambitious, but I went from doing absolutely no exercise at all, to running a 5hr marathon in 9 months, so I think this is something that with enough effort and dedication to the cause, I should be able to achieve. My PB this year for a half marathon is 2hrs 6mins, so I do think I'm on my way...
Since the marathon in April, I've run in 5 more races (and have the medals hanging on my wall to prove it!) - my race this weekend will be my seventh of 2010 - and have really immersed myself in the the title of my blog says, "these days, I call myself a runner..."
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